Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Is it logical to compare Indian PM Narendra Modi with Adolf-Hitler

This uneven & illogical analogy looks like a enemy propaganda invented by their intelligence & it surfaced just after demonetisation; it is reported in some quarters that the entire economy of an enemy country was shattered & specially the illegal Hawala trade suffered great setback☠️👺👻

It is also meant to target Modi & brush him the wrong way🤡

Mind you India's enemies lost Billions of dollars of Hawala currency & were most bitter then 🤡

Those of who look for similarities amongst Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi & German Chancellor of yesteryear Adolf Hitler have shallow knowledge of both the personas:

- Hitler's father was an illegitimate child; whereas Modi's father wasn't.

- Hitler was married & had a spouse Eva Brown during his days in power but Modi is a forced bachelor; having power but without enjoying wife's company https://www.britannica.com/biography/Adolf-Hitler

- Hitler rose from being in the military whereas Modi was lost in Karma Sanyas for more than 2 years, later resurrected him in politics

-Hitler had a better background having born in Austria to father who worked in customs service; whereas Modi is from a humble background of tea sellers son & maid mother

-Hitler was leader of Nazi Party & claimed himself to be one of the finest Aryan, whereas Modi's ancestry is OBC of India

- Hitler is a confirmed dictator but Modi is still the constitutionality elected head of the state in India under a functional democracy & he will have to bitterly fight with his opponents in 2019

- During Hitler's time there was no freedom of speech & during Modi's time, we can abuse our own Prime Minister but still can evade jail sentence

-Hitler invented concentration camps & obliterated Jews, Arabs his adversaries; but Modi's opponents are freely roaming on bail & abusing him too

-Had Modi been Hitler that entire opposition, minorities, weaker sections all will be obliterated in line with concentration camps, simply killed & vanished; but no signs of it as of now.

-Hitler emulated none and hence was an original, one of the first of its kind. As a mark of respect, even if Narendra Damodardas Modi tries his best to emulate Adolf Hitler; he can at the best be a copy & not original, however, one who emulates can never match the original, therefore not comparable

-Yes both are popular, both evoked unprecedented nationalism in their respective countries

-In true sense of dictatorship Narendra Modi is too far away from dictatorship; this is true because till now there is no FIR or Writ Petition pending in any Courts of Law; where subversion of constitutional cardinal principles have been alleged to have been committed by Modi or his party

-Nazi party's policy was true socialism, but what Modi has offered so far is a bag of mixed economy

-Hinduism is not a monolithic religion that can be easily equated with National Socialist ideology. Actually Hindu is not a religion per se according to the Supreme Court of India 1995. And the very qualities of the Indian democratic system that make some Indians at times wish for an authoritarian leader—expanse, complexity, inefficiency of governance, and the need to get approval from many different people—will turn out to be the qualities that will stand in the way of any saffron Hitler.

-Don't forget After 3 decades of coalition compulsions & confusions Narendra Modi has provided a steady & stable Governance, this was missing since 1989 after Rajiv Gandhi's tenure; (when every other day Gov't was in danger of falling)

so can it be equated with Nazi Supremacist Hitler's regime to even draw a parallel🤔

References & Footnotes:

Adolf Hitler | Biography, Rise to Power, & Facts
Nazi Party | Definition, Meaning, History, & Facts
Mumbai Mayor Compared Modi To Hitler. How Far Is Her Comparison From Truth?
https://www.sikh24.com/2014/05/1... 10 Similarities between Modi & Hitler
Stop comparing Modi to Hitler—India is hardly Weimar Germany

The WhatsUp post that keeps circulating, the response as above is rebuttal to the post:

*Hitler ruled Germany 'n nearly destroyed it*. _The following are some of his characteristics_ :

1. *Hitler did not marry.*
2. *Hitler had a belief that people of a certain religion were enemies of the nation.*
3. *Hitler’s supporters could not tolerate any criticism of Hitler.*
5. *All types of media e.g. newspapers, magazines were used to promote him.*
6. *He crushed all his opponents and would always call them anti-nationals/traitors.*
9. *Hitler’s campaign promise was that he would end all problems in a jiffy.*
10. *No problems were solved after he came to power, but he certainly managed to destroy Germany.*
11. *His campaign slogan was – "gute tage kommen" (good days will come).*
14. *Hitler used to love dressing up to look good.*
15. *Hitler had the consummate art of making lies look like truth.*
17. *Hitler used to love giving speeches on Radio.*
19. *Hitler always used in his speeches “Freunde, Brüder und Schwestern” (friends, brothers and sisters).*
20. *Hitler used to love getting photographed.*

_P.S: This post is just about Hitler._
_Any similarities with characters living or dead are purely coincidental / accidental. If you feels that this has any resemblance to anybody else, you can blame it on your own imagination._